U shape auto duct line 5Mini auto duct line 5Auto duct line 5Auto duct line 3Auto duct line 2Duct Line 5 U shapeDuct Line 5Duct line 3Duct line 2Auto coil LineSpiral tubeformer PD1602 +plasma cutSpiral tubeformer PD1602Spiral tubeformer PD-1500Mold type spiral tubeformerFlexible spiral duct making machineFlat oval duct making machinehydraulic elbow makerElectric elbow maker machineDuct elbow makerSpot welderRound flange forming machineRotary beading machine3 roller rolling machineAngle iron bending machineCNC plasma cutting machineDuplex TDF flange former T-16-2 with cleatDuplex TDF flange former T-16-2 without cleatTDF flange forming machine T12TDF flange forming machine T15TDF flange forming machine T16TDF flange forming machinePittsburgh lock forming machine SA-12HBPittsburgh lock forming machine SA-15HBS&C cleat lock forming machine SA-12SRound duct lock forming machine SA-12CLock forming machineManual folding machine 1300mm to 2500mmManual TDF folding machine 1300-2500mmPneumatic TDF folding machine 1300Electric duct folding machineAmerican standard folding machineCNC hydraulic Press BrakeDuct folding/bending machineHand held seam lockerPneumatic seam lockerHydraulic seam lockerPittsburgh seam lockerTDC flange machine with grooveTDC flange forming machine without grooveTDC flange machinePower Fastener for TDC fasteningDuct beader 1300mmDuct beader 2000mmDuct beading machinePower slitting machineAutomatic TDF corner making lineManual TDF corner lineTDF corner moldTDC corner moldG clamp moldTDF/C G Clamp Corner punching machinePneumatic TDF corner maticsPortable hydraulic TDF corner maticsTDF corner maticsElectric shearing machineHydraulic guillotineShearing machineElectric angle iron bening machineHydraulic angle iron bending machineAngle iron flange forming machineCNC plasma cutting machineCleat benderTDF flange formerPittsburgh lock formerTDF folding machinePortable seam lockerDuct beaderRotary beader crimperBeader and SlitterDuct MachineAuto Duct production linesU Shape Auto Duct Line 5Linear Shape Auto Duct Line 5Auto Duct Production Line 3Auto Duct Production Line 2Mold type spiral tube former machineCNC Plasma Cutting MachineCNC Angle Iron Production LineAuto hydraulic gorelocker machineElectric gore locker machineHydraulic OvalizerFatory videosMessagesNews
Preda Machine-The only government approved Canton Fair factory in HVAC duct machines field in 2023!
100% Real Manufacturer
Most competitive price
Reliable quality
Life time after-sales
About us
Preda Machine is Chinese based manufacturer for HVAC auto duct line, spiral tubeformer and all kind of rectangular/round duct machines!
Why choose Preda Machine for auto duct line?
1. Unlike most of the export brands in the market, Preda Machine is a real manufacturer for auto duct line U 5 to auto duct line 2.

2. Long experiences and large production capacity in
auto duct line manufacturing field which started from
Year 2008. We are capable of at least 18sets of auto
duct line per month since Year 2016!

3. We own factory not just manufacturing duct lines, we have our own gear and roller factory,sheet metal
fabrication factory and etc. That makes our accessories
used are in very good quality and accuracy as well!

Duct lines mainly include,
Auto duct Line 5 U shape
Auto duct Line 5
Auto d
uct Line 3

Auto d
uct Line 2
Other duct machines like,
TDF flange former T-12/ T-15
Pittsburgh lock former SA-12HB
TDF folding machine
Pittsburgh seam locker L-12
  and MORE.
Spiral duct machines like,
Mold type spiral tubeformer
Hydraulic gore lock machine (elbow maker)
Hydraulic flat oval duct machine
CNC plasma cutting machine    and MORE.
Mold type spiral tubeformer
Besides for the auto duct lines, we also manufacturer mold type spiral tubeformer together with hydraulic elbow maker, hydraulic flat oval duct forming machine, CNC plasma cutting machine, rotary beading machine,round duct seam locker and etc.
Duplex TDF flange forming machine
CNC plasma cutting machine
Preda Machine at 134# Canton Fair
Preda Machine in 134# Canton Fair
Preda Machine in 134# Canton Fair
Preda Machine in 134# Canton Fair
Preda Machine in 134# Canton Fair
Preda Machine in 134# Canton Fair
Preda Machine in 134# Canton Fair
Preda Machine in 134# Canton Fair
Preda Machine in 134# Canton Fair
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Contact information

Anhui Preda Machine Manufacture Co.,Ltd

Office Line   :+86-05552932595

Jason   +86-18355321923  (WhatsApp&Wechat)

E-mail          : jason@predamachine.com


Skype              :  Jason(Predamachine)

Address       : Hongyang industrial Zone,

Bowang District, Ma'anshan, Anhui, China